Artillery Magazine Review

“Reiss has a knack for knowing where the action is, and he never does things half way. So if he expends the effort to document graffiti, one is likely to learn something new. And “Bomb It! The Global Graffiti Documentary” delivers the goods. . . Whatever your take is on graffiti, you are likely to […]

Evening Class review of Bomb It

“There is a wealth of ideas disseminated in Jon Reiss’s Bomb It! It’s been a while since this reviewer has been prompted repeatedly to think and found it so entertaining. Again, don’t miss this one!” Read the full review HERE

Advocate Review of Bomb It

“Overall, Bomb It is an outstanding view of a fascinating and creative underground community. The argument over graffiti as an acceptable form will continue to rage on, but the film is a work of art in its own right. With its combination of music, visuals and the powerful words of the bombers themselves, “Bomb It” […]

Cinematical Review of Bomb It

Click Here for the full Cinematical review of Bomb It – an excerpt: Bomb It! is a fresh, fierce look at the history and theory of graffiti that, at first glance, seems to not have either; it didn’t make up my mind on how I felt about graffiti, but it conveyed the excitement and energy […]


This is a letter that I sent to my email list. I feel so strongly about it I felt I should post it on my blog as well. Hey all, I have never written to any of you for something overtly political before – but I am now. I am writing because I feel passionately […]