Part 2: The secrets of the $300 million independent film.

In early 2006, Australian TV producer Rhonda Byrne launched her feature length documentary online. It was called The Secret. The film spread like wildfire around the globe as viewers took up the viral campaign Byrne had begun.

The Secrets of the $300 Million Independent Film

During the Melbourne Think Outside the Box Office Workshop last year, I had the pleasure to meet Julie Eckersley who told me that she had written her master’s thesis on the runaway success of the independent film “The Secret”. She generously offered to share her findings with my readers. While much of the success of […]

Guest Post: PMD Training at Break Neck Speed

Today’s guest post is from Producer of Marketing and Distribution who lives and works Joe Jestus. Joe introduced himself to me on Twitter as a PMD living and working in the “next film capital of the United States”: Oklahoma. Joe actually changed his title to PMD when he discovered what it was. I asked him […]

Loving the Webseries Form – An Intro to the Why and How of Bomb It 2

Not only did this process keep me active creatively as a filmmaker while I was out promoting my book and teaching other filmmakers about distribution and marketing, it provided me a way to see a side of the world that I wouldn’t have if I was travelling as a tourist. More importantly, it provided me with an incredible opportunity to meet extremely interesting, artistic and fascinating people with incredible stories to tell.

Ride The Divide Part 3: Digital Rights and Merchandise

Understand that the audience you are developing is more general than the specific core you started with. This was huge for Hunter. His film was not just about a bike race – but was about “people who were embracing a positive life style – living life in a rich way”. He was able to reach elements of this broader audience starting with his core – and this is the audience that he wants to make films for in the future.