BOMB IT 2 VOD Release on iTunes!


What a way to start off the day. Check us out on the front page of iTunes, right next to GI JOE! Help us stay there:

Monetizing in the Age of Abundance Part 1: The Age of Abundance

By Jon Reiss I have been giving a number of presentations on Artistic Entrepreneurship over the past year that I refined for the recentSFFS A2E Workshop and most recently presented a version of in this spring’s IFP Filmmaker Labs. In this presentation I have reformulated my approach to the challenges that filmmakers face in our current age […]

BOMB IT 2 Featured Artist: Victor Ash (Interview)


BOMB IT 2 Artist Victor Ash just might embody artistic evolution. Bursting onto the graffiti scene in the early 1980s, he went by Ash2 and Saho, and ran with the popular Parisian crew, BBC. He has since expanded his style, focusing on large- scale murals involving themes of human nature and perception. We caught up with […]